Condor Watch Talk

-= Hash Tags we use on CW

  • wreness by wreness moderator

    reposted for mapat!

    by mapat
    Okay, yes, I am (somewhat) computer illiterate:) So what are the 'hashtags' about and how do I use them...should we note all -'all black'/overexposed/nothing on it-- pics? or just ignore them and go to next view?

    Hash tags # mark a photo like a "search" and puts it into a community "search" So if you hash tag a coyote, ( #coyote ) then that pic will go into all the coyote photos that anyone hash tagged. (after you read this, if you click on #coyote - you'll find the coyote pictures). It works exactly the same as if you typed in the comment box that you saw a coyote or "pretty coyote!" or "look, 4 coyotes!"

    Some areas on Zoo use a lot of hash tags. They post every photo anyone classifies and they hash tag the thing they find in the photo. This is helpful in their area as they do a ton of classifications, or have so many things they classify that it makes it easier for the scientists to find them. Some use them only to "file" rare discoveries or specifically helpful things that are side-part of the project and that's kind of what we do here on CW.

    It's not helpful to hash tag a ruined photo "dark" or "overexposed", etc. The hash tags aren't seen by anyone. Meaning they don't go to Zooniverse or anyone who is reading them and the takes that photo out because you hash tagged it. If you find a ruined photo - a tipped scale, too foggy, dark, light, sun ruining the shot, something blocking the lens, camera in the grass, etc - just hit "all animals marked" and skip it. This will take it out of the system.

    Helpful Hash tags:

    #scale - if you can see the tag of the bird and if you see the weight. The data can be recorded for a Health Check on the bird. If you can't read the scale but do see the tag, someone might be able to read the scale (we have a lot of eagle eyes here
    If there's no tag visible then just mark him the distance from the carcass that they are (or no carcass)

    *We Use A Hash tag when you have marked an object "Something Else" in a photo











    #dailyzoo is for the DailyZoo page. They put a different photo up every day from a different area so if you find one or see one that's incredible and want to suggest it, then hash tag it #dailyzoo to call attention to it

    And be sure to start as many Collection and categories of your favorites as you'd like, too

    Hope this helps and thanks for all you do!


  • DZM by DZM admin

    This is extremely helpful. Thank you, @wreness --!

    It's worth also adding that the search is not perfect at returning hashtags at this time, but that is a major priority for the next generation of Talk. πŸ˜ƒ


  • wreness by wreness moderator

    ..and thank you DZM (our #Dailyzoo guy!)


  • DZM by DZM admin

    I do what I can! (In fact, you're featured today!)


  • wreness by wreness moderator

    This condor is amazing Talk about PO'd. I wish I could get that look down myself. Thanks, D!


  • vjbakker by vjbakker scientist

    Just a quick point of clarification. If you mark Other when classifying species, we would like you to hashtag. We've given a list of hashtags to use to try to maintain consistency. It's covered in the field guide, but things get lost among all the reading material. Search for How to mark β€˜other’ here. Are there others now that we missed when we made this list??


  • wreness by wreness moderator in response to vjbakker's comment.

    VJ - I added your hash tags and helpful info to the first post and removed your because in copying it made the background very dark grey and the light blue hash tags couldn't be seen at all. All info is in the top post post and text corrected to reflect your great info (it's changed since I was first told, too!) Also added to the F.A.c.Q page πŸ˜ƒ


  • mapat by mapat

    Should all good scale photos with ID# and weight visible be hashtagged, even back to 06-09etc, or just the more recent ones??


  • DZM by DZM admin

    Would you guys like this information about hashtagging to be integrated into the classification interface somehow? No promises, but perhaps I could add a prompt when you classify "other" that the person should add a tag?


  • vjbakker by vjbakker scientist

    That would be great DZM! It's something we've asked for. I think it would be helpful.


  • vjbakker by vjbakker scientist in response to wreness's comment.

    Thanks wreness! I removed the list. I had noticed that the unhelpful auto-formatting but was hoping it was just my screen πŸ˜ƒ


  • wreness by wreness moderator in response to mapat's comment.

    All of them, please. This is the first time the data from all these photos is being recorded so the first time "the record" is being constructed. Weights can be compared with the times of a condor being a certain age, or when it was healthy or becoming ill. All important information that only Citizen Scientist projects have the manpower to get! (and thank you!)


  • mapat by mapat

    So would you like all coyote pics hashtagged, or just the 'really nice' ones?? How about turkey vultures? Or eagles?


  • wreness by wreness moderator in response to mapat's comment.

    As far as animals ; No need to hash tag the turkey vultures, coyotes and eagles since they already are getting recorded through the marking menu buttons along with the added information of where they are in relation to the carcass and how many are at the site.

    The things to hash tag are the "something else" - animals that don't have a button on the menu because they're not commonly seen and also not the main "players" we're marking for the project. We'd like to know when they're seen, of course, so this is where marking them comes in

    In the case of #unknownbird or a #somethingelse that clearly isn't something we can identify, we have many smart folks here (and also on Facebook) (and our scientists but that goes without saying!) who never fail to help identify the "unknowns"


  • stonepenny by stonepenny

    thanks, #scales query answered πŸ˜ƒ


  • wreness by wreness moderator in response to stonepenny's comment.

    I just typed an answer to you on one of your comments so it's there, too! πŸ˜ƒ So ignore that!

    If you can't see the bird's tag then just pretend the scale isn't even there and he/she isn't standing on it. Just mark what distance they are from the carcass. Invisible scale, if you will.

    The idea of hash tagging #scale and then putting in the tag info with the weight is so a health check can be done on that particular bird. If you can't see who it is then obviously it wouldn't be helpful that "a" bird is on the scale.

    If you can't see the weight but can see the scale-face is showing it then you can leave that off. Someone will probably be able to go back and fill it in. If the scale face is in the sun (or the number area covered in poo, but I'm too polite to add that to the post) (Really) or otherwise unreadable then don't bother to hash tag it, either. Again, you just have a condor on a scale. πŸ˜ƒ

