Condor Watch Talk

Eagle Vs. Condor?

  • Wmcsyl1 by Wmcsyl1

    Appears eagle is diving on another large bird. Since condors usually sit on the scale, I assume it is a condor.


  • ElisabethB by ElisabethB moderator

    Looks like another condor to me ! But I would love to have some input ! Btw, I don't think an eagle would infringe on a condor ! 😄


  • wreness by wreness moderator

    Since it's so dark it's hard to see but there looks to be 3 there. You can see the wires of the GPS trackers sticking out from the wings of the one on the scale and the one at the bottom. The one on the scale looks like he's spreading his wings "just in case" so he looks bigger and on the defensive. The other two are having in issue over something and might have come charging past. Just a guess.

    There is a well-developed social structure within large groups of condors, with competition to determine a 'pecking order' by body language, competitive play behavior, and a wide variety of vocalizations. They have no vocal chords but grunt, hiss and also for Whatever reasons condors have, can also really get into it.

    Great shot.
