Condor Watch Talk

No years in bio dates

  • oldhiker2 by oldhiker2

    The condor bios I see only give month and day for dates of birth, death, etc. The year is just a series of zeros. Is this normal?


  • wreness by wreness moderator

    It should give you the year, too. Check this bio and see if it's all filled in - it's the bio for Black 68 (168) If not, let us know!


                    Tagged as "68"
                                   May 9, 1997
                               Captive at LA zoo
         MOTHER                                        FATHER
      - No. **29**                                         No. **20**
                                 REARED BY
                                Foster Parents
                              January 19, 1999


  • oldhiker2 by oldhiker2

    On the screen above I see the years. But not on the Bios I see after classifying animals in a picture. For instance, I just did a picture (Image ACW0005990) which included condor 405 (black 5, underlined). The bio says it was hatched April 18 00:00:00 at Birds of Prey. Its parents were 139 and 27. It was released August 21, 00:00:00 and is still alive. My computer is over three years old and it is running IE 7, so maybe that's the problem. Of course, I don't really need to know this stuff; as long as staff get the tag numbers, it's OK.


  • oldhiker2 by oldhiker2

    I just checked a bio on an Android tablet and the years are fully stated. So the problem must be my archaic browser. I now have an excuse to buy a new computer. Thanks.


  • wreness by wreness moderator

    IE7?! Yikes. They must be nagging you to death, every 5 minutes, to upgrade. 😃

    That's probably it. It'd be much cheaper to upgrade IE or use Chrome, if you can do that but far be it for me to talk someone out of getting a new comp. If you need more excuses to buy a new one I bet we can all come up with about 4000 more 😃
