Condor Watch Talk

Bald eagle?

  • wreness by wreness moderator

    Could the bird on the left possibly be a bald eagle?



  • zekazoo by zekazoo scientist

    Good guess! Golden eagles are so named because of their shiny golden napes (back of their head and neck). This is a golden eagle with a golden nape that has caught the light so that it looks almost white! It is possible to see a bald eagle in these photographs as they are also scavengers, but they are much less numerous than goldens at these camera sites. Thank you for the ID question! These are my favorite 😉.

    (Another way you can tell the difference is that a full adult bald eagle with a white head, would also have a full white tail!)


  • wreness by wreness moderator

    Aw man. I kind of knew that (I'm watching an eagle cam as we speak) but had hoped. 😃 thank you!
