Oops! Now what?
by anniepg
Once in a while I accidentally tap all animals marked when I haven't marked some. Is there any way to go back and redo a photo so it isn't wrong?
by BirdGrrl scientist
No.. but don't worry. Hopefully the image will be classified repeatedly by other users down the road and it will all work out in the end. Just be careful before you click that big blue button!
by mecurtin
just commenting to say "me too", also "arrgh".
by mecurtin in response to BirdGrrl's comment.
It would be helpful if the "All animals marked" button was a different color from the "Next" and "Done" buttons -- less likely to make a mistake that way.
by marthamichelsgmail.com in response to mecurtin's comment.
Yeah, I spent so much time doing all the ravens, that I forgot the big old eagle! & hit the button!
by wekebu
Agreed, please move the All Animals Marked button.
by dembiecc
Ditto! Ditto! Ditto! And also, Argh!
by dembiecc
Perhaps, if we didn't have to select which animal, then hit the button, then add details, then hit the button, etc... If it were one step (like Snapshot Serengeti) we could select "Raven" and "within reach" on the same screen. At least then my brain wouldn't shut down after clicking, clicking, clicking, and then accidentally click "all animals marked"...
by BirdGrrl scientist in response to dembiecc's comment.
Thanks for that idea, dembiecc. I think the programming team has their hands full working on the bugs at the moment, but we'll consider that change to the interface down the road once we get the big kinks worked out!
by helere
Definitely move the button - it's too easy to click it before one is through cataloging!
by Knappa4
I'll join the crowd!
Or if the summary of animals tagged could appear before "all animals"
I find myself saying "yes" to discuss an image when I've screwed up on the "all animals" button.
Love the project!
by stonepenny
the buttons overlap too often, screen after screen. I've made the mistakes as above, several times, so now try to aim my curser at the edge of the buttons, so they only register one action, and don't register one firm click for two screens. I've posted this elsewhere, too - perhaps 3 well defined areas for each button, maybe across the bottom, like left, middle, right, in the sequence they're used, (so 'all animals marked' would be on the right) with different colours on the buttons - that would help. Any other suggestions?
by stonepenny
Knappa4 - done same with discussion, especially when I've missed condors! Annoying. Now try to scan picture before clicking 'a/a/m' button. I also change the angle of the screen on my laptop/increase/decrease brightness, to try to see if I've missed any. Condors sitting down can seem like rocks...
by RenoHatesMe
Here's a way to reduce clicking and errors. When you've clicked Raven and then Within Reach you DON'T HAVE TO CLICK DONE. Just click on the next raven in the image. The computer automatically saves the one you did and you are less likely to double click and end up prematurely finished. This also works with Carcasses on those images where there are half a dozen rabbits.
by dr.mars in response to stonepenny's comment.
Knappa4 and stonepenny are on the mark with their comments!
I have asked about a 'back' button at the last screen for discuss - a back button would allow for the 'missed' one when accidentally clicked 'all' - but further, would allow for corrections of juv/adult status. While I realize all pix are looked at many times by different observers, it seems it would be even better to have many 'correct' hits on the same image - a back button on the 'want to discuss' screen would take care of that. Thanks...Posted
by ElisabethB moderator
Yes,we know. It is extremely infuriating to click on the 'all done' button prematurely. But that is just the thing they decided for with these Zoo projects. If you have a back button, People could use it a lot and in the end it doesn't add much to the classifications. Because we have loads of people looking at the same image. And yes, I know, I've been there more times than I'd like to remember, but the system works. So, we'll just have to bear with it !
Have fun ! 😄 .E
by dr.mars in response to ElisabethB's comment.
As a scientist myself, I'm curious to know what quantitative data you have to assert that additional correct info that could be gleaned from an image doesn't 'add much' to classifications - how much is 'not much' in this scenario? I've read some of the other comments about the programmers being busy working out the bugs/kinks in the overall system - that is certainly a more satisfying answer than we have so many observers, individual mistakes don't matter - not your words, but that's how I interpreted your answer. Not inspiring to keep shooting for an average result rather than the best possible data. I too understand the limitations this kind of undertaking involves and I do appreciate the effort being made. I'm over 1000 classifications now and was enjoying it, hopefully there is still some plan to add a 'back' button at some point. This should not present an overwhelming programming dilemma as what is already in effect works pretty well including 'back' functions for other aspects. Perhaps I'm taking this too seriously? I hope not. Thank you for your reply to my initial post.
by rosette
How do I get the picture that I want to comment on in the blog?
by wreness moderator
After you're done marking all the Whatnots in your photo, click the "do you want to discuss this image" button. That will take you to the Comment page. Right click on the photo and then click "copy image URL" You're done there, Go to the board you want to post on and make your post.
Easy way: You can then just paste the whole URL into a post as is
Fancy way - type your post, then click that little "world with the arrow" icon on the top of the post window. You'll get a screen that says 'Insert Hyperlink' - paste the URL there and click OK. This will make a Hyperlink on the post. It'll still look like that long URL, though
You'll see area enclosed in brackets [ . . ] that'll say [enter link description here] and that's where you'd put your description, like "can't read tag". or Link. The words you type in the brackets will become blue, and link to the photo.
That's it 😃
by mboschmd
Reno Hates Me is doing the same thing I've been doing, and it saves a tremendous amount of moving the cursor around, and clicking "Next", then "Done"....with Ravens and Carcasses, completely skip those buttons. Mark the raven, click Raven, mark the next Raven, click Raven, and so on. And when the photo is ONLY ravens and carcasses, I even skip those buttons at the very end (only if I know I've marked them all) and just hit "All Animals Marked" and Voila! All the data is there, every raven and carcass has been captured and you can move on to the next image. Now that we don't have to mark the distance between the Ravens and carcasses anymore, I can go even faster. Now, when I see an image with 26 Ravens on it, I make it a game to see how quickly I can accurately complete the task in the fewest steps. As a result, I haven't screamed or thought ARRGGGHH! in quite a while, and boy is it nice to not dread the Raven Raves anymore.
by Shiphrah
A different suggestion: yes, move that "all animals marked" button, but also have it lead to an "are you sure?" page which would give us a way to go back before we see the statistics. It would only add one more click, and would greatly reduce the self-kicking and frustration we all go through from time to time. It'd be much more useful that that annoying "you've done 30 do you want to stop?" window which often makes me lose my place when marking a difficult crowd of penguins!
by wreness moderator
The "all animals marked" button was moved - yay- it used to be almost directly under the "next" button. So as you clicked your 5-times-to-mark-every-raven (ah, the Old Days) you'd accidentally hit All Animals Marked and that was that. That's when they put it under the photo.
It really is ok to not be perfect, though yes it can be frustrating and make you go doh! For one, each pic with critters in it is evaluated several times so others are checking what everyone else did or will do and then that list of classifications is looked at by the Smart People who really can look at it and know the right answers from it.
There was some discussion about a Back button but Zoo decided against it because they didn't want people to guess and see they were wrong, then go back and fiddle with a tag number, say, until they got a "hit" or the right Bio or a Bio. That really shouldn't be something you think of as wrong if you think you missed something to cause that. There's a lot more photos of that same scene that will be clear and show the details.
It might be one more click but multiply that by thousands of photos and it's a lot of time spent correcting something that doesn't really need to be corrected. It's better to give it your best guess and pass the photo to the next set of eyes and where you might see it as a "mistake", the scientists who see the data is or the next 5 people who classify the photo might "right" the thing you think you marked wrong.
Hope this helps! 😃
by Jim4U
Have some photos from Glen Canyon. Does anyone want them? Two were flying around... My email is jim.flynn@aol.com
by sschalbe
I haven't signed on in a long while but I just came back and tried classifying a couple of images and when I got to the summary, it showed no tag numbers for any of the condors even though I had typed in tag numbers for those I could see. I don't want to do any more until I understand why this is happening.