Condor Watch Talk

Condor behavior tags

  • All41 by All41

    For one of the scientists-am wondering if # tagging the condors on scales is of value for you to get a weight or if the condors are weighed regularly enough that you don't care? What about other condor behaviors like feeding young ones or mating? Are there particular behavior # which interest you? Thanks.


  • myraf by myraf scientist

    thanks for your question! We do not have any current plans to work with the data from the scales but behaviors such as feeding and mating could be incorporated into our social network assessment so that would be interesting for us. In terms of the scales, we are also hoping that folks find interesting things to look at alongside our project, so it might be fun to keep tagging the scale pictures and perhaps someone will use it!


  • All41 by All41

    OK. I was afraid too many tags would just clog up the data. But it is more fun to make comments on the interesting pics so I'll keep tagging.


  • ElisabethB by ElisabethB moderator

    Don't worry about too many tags ! Just keep on tagging ! 😄


  • stonepenny by stonepenny

    so you want us to tag the scales, too? Ok. I've done nearly 200 pics, but didn't know to... you're gonna have a right mixture of info from this 😃


  • ElisabethB by ElisabethB moderator

    No, that is not what I wanted to say ! I meant, tag everything that you find interesting. Tagging scales is of no use whatsoever ! 😄
