Condor Watch Talk

Condor Watch Record

  • brittanymitchell by brittanymitchell

    I've been keeping a record of all the condors that I've classified and I finally reached 100 different individuals. I'm going to post some percentages that I got from the first 100 that I've classified. Please keep in mind that there is only data from the random 100 that I encountered first so some individuals are not on my list.

    General information

    % male: 52%
    % female: 48%
    % living: 77%
    % dead: 23%
    % rarely poisoned: 56%
    % occasionally poisoned: 33%
    %often poisoned: 6%
    % unknown poisoned: 3%
    % chronically poisoned: 1%
    % bred: 27%
    % not bred: 73%
    % under 10 years:58%
    % over 10 years: 42%

    Some rather sad percentages:

    % died of lead poisoning: 13%
    % died of unknown causes: 3%
    % drowned in dip tank: 2%
    % died from predation: 2%
    % died in power line collision: 1%
    % died of rattlesnake bite: 1%
    % euthanized after being entangled in wire: 1%
    % died during surgery to remove lead shot: 1%

    All of the condors who have passed away were younger than 11 years old, so all of the condors older than that are still living.
    The top 5 chick contributers I found are

    1. #21 19 chicks! (also the oldest!)
    2. #11 10 chicks!
    3. #7 and #47 6 chicks!
    4. #61 5 chicks!
    5. #79 and #6 4 chicks!

    So, that's my data so far, I'll update when I get more condors 😛


  • yshish by yshish in response to brittanymitchell's comment.

    Oh you must to put a lot of effort to record all of that!😃 Good work! An interesting findings however it would be better to do from even more classification done:]


  • wreness by wreness moderator

    WTG Britt! A woman after my own heart - a geek 😃

    It's horrible to read on the bios that a bird has died, isn't it? Especially when it's a beautiful photo and I'm not sure about you but I can instantly bond with a bird when its in some photo, in some pose, with some look on its face. Then I see it's died and that fast, you have to detach. I'm not sure who found this one photo here but all the birds in it was deceased.

    On a better side, you made me smile. When I first started volunteering here I can't tell you the copious notes I took (still do but I'll never admit it in public...) charts I made, stats I kept. Just because So carrion, sister! 😃


  • brittanymitchell by brittanymitchell

    Haha thanks Wreness and Yshish 😛 I feel these birds are like friends, and I enjoy checking on them in each picture I find 😃 Because there is so few condors, I remember different individuals when I see them!


  • DZM by DZM admin

    It's definitely sad to hear than an individual condor has passed, but I hope that it's eased slightly by knowing that each classification does a little bit towards helping to save the species as a whole!!
