Condor Watch Talk

If you're getting 00-00-00 in bios please post your system info here

  • wreness by wreness moderator

    If you're getting the dates of 00-00-00 in the BIOS it has been for a few possible reasons in the past so far so this might help -

    Zooniverse has to use Cookies in order to work so they can see how many classifications you're doing. Please make sure you have allowed cookies for Zooniverse and are not using any ad blocking software on the pages like Adblock or Ghostery (if you are either pause it while here or whilelist

    This was an issue for some a few months ago when some updates were put in place by Zooniverse, and it seemed to be because the people were using very old versions of their browsers (on PCs) If this could be the reason for you (one man was on IE7 yet. Yikes!) and you can update your browser see if that helps.

    Some reported that they couldn't get Zoo to work too well on Safari (not sure if that got fixed).

    Sometimes just using another browser helps, so if you can try that, try that 😃

    If you still have problems, please post here if you're on a Win or Mac, what version browser are you using and whatever info might be helpful. We'll look into it!

    Thank you ~~


  • donsa by donsa

    Internet Explorer 9/Microsoft Office Professional Pro 2010


  • donsa by donsa

    I updated my browser to Internet Explorer V 11 and can now see the actual year data. After doing that I had problems signing into the project site for about a day; don't know if that issue was related to my changing the browser. Things seem to be ok now. Thanks.


  • wreness by wreness moderator

    Hi donsa!

    I'm glad that did the trick! IE9 is really old at this point (but much better than the updates I think 😕)

    I don't know if Zoo has updated things as far as the "white screen" issues they were having but last night I was even getting "404" errors (site not found!) and eventually couldn't access it at all. Someone else also asked about not being able to sign in saying it would just keep giving them the sign in box all over again. Post again if the issues return 😃


  • DZM by DZM admin

    We had an issue over the weekend with our API going down. It was Zooniverse-wide and is now fixed. 😃


  • wreness by wreness moderator

    I have incredible luck being on Zoo the nanosecond something glitches 😄 It was fine and then -white screens, "404" For a sinking second I wondered if Zoo got hacked. Could you imagine? ====:o Things are SO much better on here! Compliments to the chefs! 😃


  • DZM by DZM admin

    I woke up Saturday morning to a dozen panicked emails and posts from volunteers, but by that point it had already been fixed anyway.

    Serves me right for sleeping in, I guess! 😃


  • ElisabethB by ElisabethB moderator

    LOL ! What ? There are Zooniverse people sleeping in ? Isn't that a clause in your contract (24/7) ;D (in case the emoji's don't convey the feeling : I really am joking ! )


  • DZM by DZM admin

    Hey, if I could find a way to bypass sleep, I'd spend that extra time the same way most of you would: right here on Zooniverse, classifying and chatting! 😄
