Condor Watch Talk

Removed a comment from an image, and image vanished from ALL my folders and Recent Talk

  • mboschmd by mboschmd

    Because I had saved an image in two different folders, 2 copies of the image with my comment appeared on Talk. When I went to remove the extra image, it deleted every shred of it ever having existed. It is gone from my Recent folder, my Favorite folder, and a 3rd folder I had saved it to. It's as if I never classified the image.

    I really like this image, too, which is what makes it frustrating. Why should such a disastrous glitch exist in this system? Same thing happened to me in Asteroid Zoo...trying to remove a duplicate caused it to vanish entirely from ALL folders.


  • DZM by DZM admin

    Well, that's bizarre. Let me go ahead and put that through at an bug report. I'll use your comment verbatim and see if a dev can fix it.

    Could you let me know which image it was? Or have you completely lost track of it?

    Has this happened to anyone else?



  • DZM by DZM admin

    Hi @miltonbosch, I need a bit more clarity, please... What exactly do you mean by "2 copies of the image with my comment appeared on Talk"? Where on Talk? Where were you trying to remove it from?

    Thank you!


  • mboschmd by mboschmd in response to DZM's comment.

    Sorry for the lack of clarity. I said "Talk" when I should have said "Recent", as in the CW Recent page, not my personal Recent collection.

    I found a great condor image and wrote a short dialogue that fit the scene...some condor humour. I also saved it into two folders.

    I went to Recent, and saw that there were back-to-back images of the same image I commented on. While in Recent, I tried to remove the comment from one image...I didn't try to delete the image, which is normally done in your collections, and you must hit "Save Changes" if you want an image deleted.

    I just wanted to remove the comment from one of the duplicates, because it was an unintentional result of having saved it into two folders. When I hit the Remove button to delete the comment, both images vanished from Recent, my Recent folder, my Favourites folder, and a third folder called KP. I have no idea what image it was because all traces of it vanished from all databases. This is the root of the problem.

    I had a somewhat similar problem in Asteroid Zoo. If you put an image set in your Favourites folder, and also into another folder like, "Known asteroids", you wind up with duplicate back-to-back saved images in Favourites, plus the image in Known Asteroids. It falsely inflates the number of image sets in my Favourites folder. I wanted to fix that, so the true number is reflected in the total.

    While in Favourites, I edited the folder by checking only one of the images, intending that one be removed...not every trace of it. When I clicked, "Save Changes", all copies of this image set were deleted...both copies in Favourites, and the copy in Known Asteroids. I lost a good dozen and a half saved image sets before I realized what was happening. I did not report this problem to AZ; I just avoided deleting anything with a duplicate image.

    I hope this clarifies the problem some. I wish I had the CW image number...if I did, I could just pull up the URL for any image, substitute the CW number for the lost image, and I'd have recovered it.. problem solved....and I wouldn't have to trouble you about it.

    Thanks for responding so quickly!


  • DZM by DZM admin

    Hi @miltonbosch

    Okay, at least in regards to what happened here, I recommend not worrying about the Recents page. If the 12 most recent comments were all on one image, that image will appear 12 times. We'd like to change that eventually, but for now, don't worry about it.

    However, I don't believe that removing a comment should have removed the image from your folders and such. Let me update the ticket and see what we can do. Thanks!


  • mboschmd by mboschmd in response to DZM's comment.

    I just happened again! I was in Recent, and decided to edit an old comment for clarity. BTW, you cannot edit in does not work, at least for me. I have to cut and past into a new message, then delete the old.

    So, that's what I did...I edited the wording, cut and pasted to a new message, and then deleted the old message, and the image is now gone from the Recents board.
    I have no idea what image it was, because I was looking at quite a few, and of course the CW number is gone too.

    So, 2 problems: 1) You cannot edit comments made in CW while in Talk, which is where you're taken if you click on an image in Recent; and
    2) Trying to do so may cause data loss


  • DZM by DZM admin

    Hi @miltonbosch, I'm having a bit of trouble replicating your issues. I have no trouble editing new or old comments here on Condor Watch Talk.

    I think we need to ask other Condor Watch users... Has anyone else had any issues with editing comments? If not, and this is unique to you, @miltonbosch, we'll attack it from a different angle.

    So, calling all CW users... Any problems with editing comments?


  • wreness by wreness moderator

    HI guys 😃

    Sometimes if I go to edit a comment on Talk photo, it won't accept the change. I'll get the grey box to type in the "edit" text, but when I I click "Post" nothing will happen and that window is frozen. The only way I've found to 'fix' it is to reload the whole page which will erase what I was trying to do and put the original comment back under the photo. Often then, I'll have my edited comment there, too. I'll then just delete the original one.

    This seems to happen more when I try to edit something immediately after I posted it (like a typo) as opposed to correcting something that had been sitting for a while (like if I go back to add a correct tag# someone asked in a photo)

    Don't know if this helps. I'm on Chrome and Win 7


  • yshish by yshish in response to DZM's comment.

    Hey guys,

    I have the same problem with editing posts here in CW and in the Plankton Portal as well, but haven't noticed it at other Zooniverse projects. I have to reload the page to be able to edit the comment (as @wreness said), because the Update button doesn't accept the click. This problem has been appearing here since the project has been released (the same for the Plankton P.)

    I use Chromium, Ubuntu, but it doesn't work in Firefox too. I think it didn't work even when I tried editing posts under the Windows in the past.



  • yshish by yshish in response to yshish's comment.

    Hm, I have to admit that I've just tried editing my last comment here a few times now and it works without any problems (the same for the PP)! I haven't been very active for the last few weeks, so I can't tell when it was the last time it didn't work. I'll keep my attention on it and let you know if it didn't work again.



  • yshish by yshish

    Oh! The issue with editing the comment appeared again. I've recorded the screen for the developers. To whom can I send it?😃


  • DZM by DZM admin

    Shoot it to me ( and I'll show them. Thank you! 😃


  • yshish by yshish in response to DZM's comment.



  • DZM by DZM admin

    Just a note: I put this through as a bug report.

    If I don't get back to you in a week, bug me. 😃


  • DZM by DZM admin

    Okay, update! One of our devs says that it looks like "a failed update request to the API," (I don't speak "developer," I fear!) but that everything should be functioning properly now.

    If it happens again, I have a free license to reopen the issue and they'll take a closer look. So hopefully you'll have that video recorder going again... ? 😃

    Thank you!!


  • yshish by yshish in response to DZM's comment.

    OK. As you wish!:]


  • yshish by yshish

    OK, I'm really sorry what I must say now: It doesn't work:( I emailed you the video proof.


  • DZM by DZM admin

    I've put it back through to the devs. If I don't get a response within a week, I'll pester them again. Thanks!!


  • yshish by yshish in response to DZM's comment.

    Poor developers:]


  • DZM by DZM admin

    Yep, they're due for another pestering tomorrow!
