Condor Watch Talk

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  • Graceling1 by Graceling1

    I would love to have an index of all of the condors that I have identified!


  • by scientist

    That is a great idea, but it may be difficult to do in real-time. Our hope is that we will be able to provide summaries of results, such as birds that have been identified, their locations, and their "friends" as results roll in, but we are still in the early stages of data collection. We'll keep this in mind when we start to analyze and present the data on our blog.


  • mboschmd by mboschmd

    I keep a little pocket notebook nearby, and have a page for 0-99, 100-199, 200-299, etc all the way up to 600's.
    I put an arrow pointing down if the bird has died.

    This way, I know how many individual birds I've ID'ed and get to see who's the greediest carrion hog, like #449. I also keep a list of tags that did not yield a positive ID. There is a discussion that is tracking all the problem ID's, but darn if I cannot find it at the present moment. In fact, I was looking for it just now, and came across your post.


  • mboschmd by mboschmd

    Here's the discussion link:
