Condor Watch Talk

No carcass nearby

  • Indigo_Horse by Indigo_Horse

    What do you do if you can't see a carcass? How do you tag the animals?


  • mboschmd by mboschmd

    I don't know how the scientists/moderators would respond to this question, but if I see all the heads and bodies pointing in the same direction to some unseen object off-screen, I click just outside the image and label it Carcass. This happens most often in the "condor trap" with the chain-linked fencing, where a carcass is placed inside the trap, but too near the camera, so it is out of view.


  • wreness by wreness moderator

    If you can't see a carcass but it's obvious to you that there is a carcass somewhere in a pile 'o condors, mark "carcass" where ever you figure the carcass would be. Take a Best Guess, based on the center of the activity and those hateful red eyes staring at the backs of those they want out of their way.

    If they're all bunched up in front of the camera (like miltonbosch describes - that cage area is can be like Wal-Mart on Black Friday) and all you see are butts and wings, most likely the carcass is off-camera anyway. You can click off at the side you figure the carcass is at and label it a carcass.

    If there isn't a carcass, period, but there are animals hanging around, just mark "farther than 2 body lengths" since that'd mean no one is near anything.


  • stonepenny by stonepenny

    thanks for this - had been wondering. Had one like this - just marked all condors 'within 2 body lengths' - the camera angle was too high to see enough ground/any carcass. Will mark as above in future.
