Condor Watch Talk

Starts over every time?

  • AgentFriday by AgentFriday

    Every time I click "return to classifying", it starts over at the walk-through. That seems odd...


  • wekebu by wekebu

    second that.


  • by scientist

    This was a known bug early on--it should've gotten fixed so that this stops after a while. Let me know if the problem is still persisting even after you've gone through a bunch of photos.


  • areinders by areinders

    I am having the same issue while on an iPad. In fact, I can't get past the tutorial at all. I also keep getting logged out each time I go from classifying to discussions. None of this happened on my laptop.


  • by scientist

    Ok. I have been able to recreate the problem of getting logged off when going from classifying to discussions on the iPad. I will report it as a bug. For reference, what iOS are you using?


  • areinders by areinders

    iOS7 (7.0.6). I had the same issue on Snapshot Safari, it's possible it is a Zooniverse-wide problem. I switched back to my laptop and the logging off does not happen with it. But the first image I see when I log in is still the tutorial. The only way to get past it is to either do it or to click "All animals identified" and then "next image".


  • Butkovich by Butkovich

    I have a similar problem. However, if I go to something else, discussion, whatever, and then hit classify, it seems to work ok. I'm using a PC running Windows 7 with the current version of Firefox as the browser.
